20. Money Inc-Two fantastic heels that were solid singles wrestlers, but better when teamed together.
19. America's Most Wanted-The faces of the tag team division in TNA's early years.
18. Hollywood Blondes-Austin and Pillman were absolutely incredible as a team.
17. The Blackjacks-Often imitated but never duplicated, the original bad ass cowboy team.
16. Edge & Christian-The only reason they are are this low is they are overshadowed as a team by their single success.
15. New Age Outlaws-Billy Gunn and Road Dogg complimented each others strengths and weaknesses perfectly.
14. The Outsiders-They helped spark WCW into dominance over the WWF, but also helped destroy WCW.
13. The Hart Foundation-The pink and black attack ruled the WWF tag team division from the mid to late 80's.
12. Wild Samoans-They won everywhere they wrestled and held 21 tag team tittles during there career.
11. The British Bulldogs-Who doesn't love the British Bulldogs? Amazing talents that gelled well together.

10. The Steiner Brothers-Tag Team champions everywhere they wrestled. The best team of the early 90's.

9. The Hardy Boyz-Before becoming laughing stocks of the industry Matt and Jeff tore threw the WWF/WWE trag team division.

8. The Rock 'N' Roll Express-Innovators of a more fast paced tag team style that evolved during the 80's .

7. Demolition-Originally thought of as a Road Warriors clone Demolition went on to be extremely successful in the own right.

6. The Midnight Express-A great heel team that played the perfect opponents for the Rock 'N' Roll Express

5. The Fabulous Freebirds-One of the most influential groups in history. Inverted the "Freebird" rule where any of the three men would be able to defend the tag tittles. Had a legendary feud with the Von Erich clan.

4. Harlem Heat-The most successful team in the history of WCW. The glue that held the tag team division together for years in WCW

3.Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard/The Brainbusters-One of the few teams to successfully conquer the NWA and WWF. The workhorses of both the Four Horsemen and Heenan Family groups. Put up great matches regardless of the competition.

2. The Duddley Boyz/Team 3D-The Duddley Boyz have been the top team in wrestling for the last 15 years. They have held more tag team belts than anyone in the history of wrestling.

1. The Road Warriors/Legion Of Doom-The greatest team of all time. Dominated the competition in the AWA, NWA, WWF, WCW, and in Japan. No team has ever been a more successful draw than the Road Warriors.
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