5. The Uso's-With the addition of the Samoan war dance to their entrance it has made them instantly different than all the other wrestlers as well as tying them to their heritage and family lineage in wrestling.
4. Christian-People are saying they don't like how the title change went down. My question is why? The way his character is playing out it fits perfectly.
3. John Cena-I have long been a Cena supporter and this week he proved what he could do when put into a match with another great wrestler. The match with CM Punk is arguably match of the year so far, and alot of credit has to go Cena's way.
2. Daniel Bryan-Wow, all I can see is I was blown away by the fact that Bryan won the money in the back match. With the proper build up he could easily become this generations Bret Hart.
1. CM Punk-What can be said about Punk that hasn't been said already. The guy is truly the best wrestler in the world right now.
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