Before we get to the top 10 here is the best of the rest that didn't make the cut: Steve Austin vs Vince McMahon, Undertaker vs Mankind, AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels, Rob Van Dam vs Jerry Lynn, and Hulk Hogan vs Randy Savage. Now onto the list!

10. Undertaker vs Kane-In my opinion the two best big men in the history of wrestling. Kane made his debut attacking the Undertaker claiming to be his long lost brother and in the decade plus since then the two have had many memorable feuds and at times even teamed with each other to eliminate common foes.

9. Midnight Express vs Rock 'N' Roll Express-Pioneers of the high flying quick tag offense both teams helped carry the flag for the NWA during the 80's. Great feud that spanned several years and even to this day the teams will wrestle independent shows against each other based off of the feud.

8. Hulk Hogan vs "Rowdy" Roddy Piper-The rivalry that ushered in the rock & wrestling era in the WWF, Hogan and Piper headlined many historical matches including the 1st Wrestlemania. WCW even tried to cash in on the rivalry in 1998 but by that time Piper's body had broken down too bad and Hogan was in full ego mode making the matches unbearable to watch.

7. Edge vs John Cena-Arguably the 2 biggest stars of the new millennium, Edge and Cena had one of the most memorable rivalries in recent memory. Edge didn't truly become a main event player until he cashed in Money In The Bank on Cena igniting the rivalry.

6. The Von Erich's vs The Freebirds-You can't talk about WCCW without mentioning the legendary feud these two groups had. For years the Freebirds played foil to the Von Erich clan and wrecked havoc all over Texas. Sadly the Von Erich family is marked by tragedy and aren't remembered as much for the fantastic matches they put on.

5. Sting vs Ric Flair-The main event of the 1st Clash Of The Champions was the match the mad Sting into a serious contender for the NWA/WCW title. From that point on the 2 men were practically intertwined in the history of WCW. They were the main event of the last Monday Nitro and even know 10 years later still they work well together.
4. Raven vs Tommy Dreamer-The biggest feud in the history of ECW was Tommy Dreamer vs Raven. The two men worked so well together that several other stars were made just based off this feud. For years all dreamer wanted was to pin his hated rival Raven and never could, until Raven's last night in ECW before joining WCW. Raven would later return and help Dreamer win the ECW tag team titles thus adding extra layers to the rivalry. They had what I would consider the vest match on TNA's Hardcore Justice pay per view last year, even though it was a horrible show overall.

3. The Rock vs "Stone Cold" Steve Austin-The 2 main wrestlers in the attitude era, Austin and Rock were the main event 3 Wrestlemanias against each other. They had such a great chemistry with each other and seamed to push each other into greatness. I personally think the feud they had over the intercontinental belt was the best of all their feuds.

2. Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart-The rivalry that started this post. Shawn and Bret's careers seemed to mirror each other both starting in great tag teams and then moving on to mid card success before both becoming 2 of the greatest in ring performers ever. The rivalry is tarnished by the Montreal screw job incident but even that added to the fans believing the 2 men legitimately hated each other.

1. Ricky Steamboat vs Ric Flair-Two of the absolute best wrestlers in the history of the game. The rivalry between the two started in the early 80's and went into the mid 90's. Two polar opposites character wise, Flair was the bombastic play boy who seemed to live for the spotlight and Steamboat was the humble family man who was always doing the right thing. If you wrote a list of the 10 best matches these 2 would be in at least 5 of them and probably 2 against each other.