10. Sting's bat- When the nWo took over WCW one man stood against them, Sting. Sting would use the bat to ward off the seemingly endless nWo drones that would come after him.

9. Al Snow's friend Head- Al Snow for the most part of his career was a jobber, until he struck gold with picking up a mannequin head and seeming to take orders from it. He never reached the world title picture, however if it wasn't for Head he would be remembered as Leif Cassidy the New Rocker.

8. The Sandman's Singapore cane- I know earlier i said i wouldn't include weapons that everyone uses, this is the one exception. The Sandman had very limited in ring skills, add to that the fact his gimmick involved him getting sloppy drunk during the match and you have a problem. Enter the Singapore cane, originally it was brought in as a stipulation in a match he had with Tommy Dreamer cashing in on the Michael Fay caning controversy. The Sandman took the cane and never looked back becoming one of the faces of the original ECW.

7. Jeff Jarrett/Honky Tonk Man's guitar- In the 80's Honky Tonk man used the guitar to aid him to the longest Intercontinental Title reign ever, when the belt was arguably the third most important belt in the US. In the 90's to the present day Jeff Jarrett has carved out quite a nice career for himself by bashing people over the head with the guitar. Originally he had the guitar in part of a horrible country music singer gimmick. He continued to use it while becoming a multiple time Intercontinental, WCW heavyweight, and NWA world champion.
6. Jimmy Hart's megaphone- The mouth of the south got his nickname for screaming insults through his microphone at the faces and fans. Hart never shied away from using the microphone to help the wrestlers he managed win.

5. Paul E. Dangerously's cell phone- Long before Paul Heyman became the cult leader of ECW he was one of the top managers in both the AWA and WCW. For any one under 20 years old that is a cell phone in his hand, back in the late 80's that was what they looked like. You see his character was a play off of the yuppie culture of the time, Paul E. was the self proclaimed psycho yuppie. P.S. that is Stone Cold Steve Austin with the bleach blonde hair.

4. Hacksaw Jim Duggan's 2x4- Hacksaw was the quintessential mid card face of his era. While never having runs with any major title, he did manage to stay near the top of the card in an era filled with stars. While the 2x4 wasn't used often as a weapon it was a major part of his gimmick.
3. Jim Cornette's tennis racket- Cornette was the manager for a slew of great tag teams, the biggest being the Midnight Express. Cornette would fan the flames in the legendary Midnight Express/Rock N Roll Express feud by constant outside interference in his teams matches. The tennis racket was deadly and would often spell disaster for anyone hit by it.

2. Abdullah The Butcher's fork- Abdullah was been carving up helpless foes since the 60's with his trusty fork. When I was a kid Abdullah was one of the wrestlers I thought was legitimately psychotic. The Mad Man from the Sudan has run wild all over the world earning a spot in the WWE Hall of fame.

1. Mick Foley's Mr. Socko- What started as a throw away joke on an episode of Monday Night Raw where Foley as Mankind visited Mr. McMahon in the hospital to cheer him up only to have Vince make him leave and than look into the screen and say "Mr. Socko" became the calling card for one of the most popular and legendary figure of the last 20 years. Foley would use Mr. Socko over his hand while applying the mandible claw, adding insult to injury.